Theme: Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer. World Hypertension Day is observed every May 17th. It .is a global healthcare event celebrated in order to raise awareness and promote hypertension prevention, detection and control. This year theme focuses on the efforts to combat the low awareness rates of hypertension, especially in low […]

Theme: “Our Nurses. Our Future”. Nurses celebrate International Nurses Day on May 12 every year. It marks the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale and the contribution of the kind, compassionate, and brave nurses towards the healthcare industry. A nurse’s role in the healthcare industry is as important as a doctor’s. Just like we applaud the […]

Theme: Everything we do comes from the heart. World Red Cross Day theme 2023 is “To highlight the universal, human, and diverse aspects of the Red Cross Movement”. No movement can be successful without volunteers working passionately towards a common cause and the Red Cross Movement is no different. World Red Cross Day theme 2023 also […]

Theme: “Be aware. Share. Care: Strengthening Education to Bridge the Thalassemia Care Gap” World Health Organization created the International Thalassemia Day, marked annually on May 8. It is a brilliant opportunity to help people with the condition live healthier, longer, and more productive lives by empowering them through knowledge sharing, information exchange, targeted awareness activities, […]

Theme: celebrating body acceptance and self love. International No Diet Day was created by Mary Evans Young, director of the British group “Diet Breakers” in 1992. After personally experiencing anorexia, she worked to help people appreciate themselves for what they are, and to appreciate the body they have.It is an annual celebration of body acceptance […]